History of AAW France

Photo taken in 2003
HISTORY of AAW in France

AAW France became an official “Association loi 1901” in 2006 - roughly the equivalent of a non-profit association in the USA .

This historical event was an important continuum in the long line of pro-peace and anti-war groups organised by Americans living in France who stood up and protested against the invasion of Vietnam and against the Gulf War in 1991.

Together with other Americans, original members of these groups came forth and marched against the war on Iraq. Recently AAW members marched in the streets of Paris with banners saying, "No to the War on Iraq, Afghanistan and No to NATO".

In the past these protest groups were either disbanded or became dormant until the next major invasion by the American government.

By becoming a permanent association, AMERICANS AGAINST THE WAR-FRANCE (AAW France) has taken the protesting one step further: we now have an organization where we can continuously act against the permanent state of war engaged in by the United States government.



Americans Against the War is an association of activists living in France, principally Americans, dedicated to global peace and justice. We oppose the settlement of conflicts by force, while recognizing the right of all people to defend themselves against the violation of their human rights and civil liberties. We take public action to achieve our aims, together with others who share our objectives.

We welcome all individuals opposed to American wars of aggression.

We are independent of any political party or sectarian group. We deplore the fact that both the Democratic and Republican parties are pro-war and pro-imperialism, are wedded to corporate wealth and seek to undermine independent social movements.

We deplore the fact that a massive amount in US tax dollars enables Israel to continue its colonization of the Palestinian people. This funding is one of the root causes of the worldwide hostility towards the United States.

* We call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the US occupying forces from Iraq, for an end to the corporate takeover of Iraq, for the invaders to pay reparations to the Iraqi people for the death and destruction they have caused.

* We call for an end to the war on the Afghan people and an end to the threats against Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Lebanon, all of these imperialist aggressions being part of the same US strategy of global domination.

* We call for an end to the Israeli colonization of the Palestinian Territories including East Jerusalem, for the implementation of all related United Nations resolutions, for a sovereign, independent Palestinian state within the internationally-recognized 1967 borders, for a just peace between Palestine and Israel.

We are opposed to state terrorism, all forms of colonialism, all military and economic aggression and intimidation, the stockpiling of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, and environmental policies which endanger the planet and its natural resources.


1. To promote peace by opposing war and all forms of oppression.
2. To promote justice by identifying and denouncing the political and economic sources of injustice.

Américains contre la guerre, QUI SOMMES NOUS?

en français:


Americans Against the War – AAW (Américains contre la guerre) est une association militante basée en France, composée principalement de ressortissants américains, qui se consacre à la paix mondiale et à la justice. Elle s'oppose à la résolution des conflits par la force, tout en reconnaissant le droit de chacun de se défendre contre la violation des droits de l'homme et de ses propres droits civiques. Elle agit publiquement pour atteindre ses objectifs, de concert avec tous ceux qui les partagent.

AAW accueille toute personne qui s'oppose aux guerres d'agression américaines.

AAW est indépendante de tout parti politique et de tout groupe sectaire. Elle déplore les vues belliqueuses et impérialistes des deux grands partis politiques américains (Democrat et Republican), inféodés aux corporations et hostiles aux mouvements sociaux indépendants.

AAW déplore l’utilisation d’une partie prépondérante des revenus fiscaux américains pour permettre à Israël de poursuivre sa colonisation du peuple palestinien, subventions qui constituent une des causes principales de l’hostilité mondiale à l’égard des Etats-Unis.

  • Elle demande le retrait immédiat et sans conditions des forces d’occupation américaines de l’Irak, la fin de la mainmise des corporations sur ce pays, ainsi qu’une réparation financière par les envahisseurs pour les décès et la destruction infligés au peuple irakien.
  • Elle demande la fin de la guerre contre le peuple afghan ainsi que la fin des menaces contre l'Iran, le Pakistan, la Syrie et le Liban. Toutes ces agressions impérialistes font partie d'une stratégie de domination globale américaine.
  • Elle demande la fin de la colonisation israélienne des territoires palestiniens y compris Jérusalem Est, l’application de toutes les résolutions de l’ONU y afférentes, un Etat palestinien souverain et indépendant à l’intérieur des frontières de 1967 internationalement reconnues, une paix juste entre la Palestine et Israël.
AAW s’oppose au terrorisme d’état, toute forme de colonialisme, toute agression et toute intimidation militaire et économique, le stockage d’armes chimiques, biologiques et nucléaires, et des politiques environnementales qui mettent en danger la planète et ses ressources naturelles.

Ses objectifs sont les suivants :
  1. Promouvoir la paix en s’opposant à la guerre et à toutes les formes d’oppression ;
  2. Promouvoir la justice en identifiant et dénonçant les sources politiques et économiques de l’injustice.

AAW French Fries Awards Ceremony.

AAW French Fries Awards Ceremony.

Special Note to Teachers and Students:

The AAW Troupe has written and performed
satirical "street theater" and is willing to perform our latest creation for you, The 1st AAW French Fries Awards Ceremony.
We welcome any offers to get our anti-war message out. The piece is perfect for a classroom situation,
humorously biting and informative lasting about 30 minutes. It can be used as a starting point for a lively debate.

We can perform in either English or in French and is free, of course. More info and photos here.

If you would prefer, AAW can also provide serious speakers for your class. Contact us at our e-mail address here.